• Integrated driver with AutoStrobe function
  • 15mm thick
  • PNP and NPN triggers
  • 4 independent Channels
  • Monochromatic or Multi-color version available
  • EFFI-SRing-SDome available in KIT with all accessories
  • Easily convertible into EFFI-SDome
  • Suitable for stereovision

EFFI-SRING, Small thin homogeneous powerful led ring for machine vision and quality control

- Build your part number -


- 100 - -
Available wavelengths (nm) Window
Available Options Refer to the detailed information below for any specific reference (with options, customized, ...).

- Product Information -

- 4 channels operation -

EFFI-SRing has 4 independent channels. It is possible to choose a different color for each one.

logo info Even in monochromatic version the 4 channels can be controlled independently.

Diagram of a SRing / SDome after it consists of four dials

- Available wavelengths -

Blue (465nm)
Green (525nm)
Red (625nm)
IR (850nm)
White (000) (T°= 5700 k ± 500 K)
Z: wavelength

Part number : EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ- ...

For other wavelengths please contact.

- Windows -

TR : Transparent
SD : Semi-diffuse
OP : Opaline
Presentation of the different types of Transparent / Semi-Diffused / Opaline glass available on the EFFI-SRING for machine vision and quality control

EFFILUX offers different types of interchangeable windows to find the right compromise between power and homogeneity depending on the nature of the object to be checked.

See optical accessory glass.

Part number : EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-WW-...

- Additional options -

> Option: Polarizer

>The optical accessory Polarizer eliminates glare caused by the lighting on parts to control. The camera can then analyze the part, without being disturbed by the glow effects.

Part number : EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-WW-POL

POL : polarizer accessory
If polarizer, add -POL in the part number
Possibility to buy only the accessory, see part number here
logo infoThe classic polarizer is not suitable for use in continuous mode and / or with blue LEDs.
Please note that with the polarizer accessory, the EFFI-Ring is IP50. For IP65 polarized version, choose -POL-IP option (polarizer directly glued on a transparent window).

Vision of a camera lit by a standard Effi-RING for industrial vision and quality control Vision of a camera lit by an Effi-RING equipped with a Polarizer for industrial vision and quality control

> Option: Diffusing Film + Polarizer

For highly reflective objects, it is possible to combine a diffuser film and a polarizer:

Part number : EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-WW-DIF-POL

You can find the drawing and the weight of the products in the technical doc page.

- Flexibility: EFFI-SRING / EFFI-SDOME -

The EFFI-SRing has the particularity of being able to be easily disassembled to become an EFFI-SDome.

Small animation to show the transformation of a SRing into SDome and vice versa

The Part number for the dome only accessory is:
Part number : EFFO-SDOME-DOME-100

- Choose your kit -

l'EFFI-Flex-LG avec la connection standard


Contains: 1x EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-OP (product), 1x EFFO-SRING-SD-100 (semi-diffuse), 1x EFFO-SRING-TR-100 (Transparente), 1x EFFO-SRING-POL-100 (polarizer), 1x EFFO-SRING-DIF-100 (diffusing film), 1x EFFO-SDOME-DOME-100 (dome)

l'EFFI-Flex-LG avec la connection standard


Contains: 1x EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-OP (product), 1x EFFO-SRING-SD-100 (semi-diffuse), 1x EFFO-SRING-TR-100 (Transparente), 1x EFFO-SDOME-DOME-100 (dome)

l'EFFI-Flex-LG avec la connection standard


Contains: 1x EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-OP (product), 1x EFFO-SRING-SD-100 (semi-diffuse), 1x EFFO-SRING-TR-100 (Transparente), 1x EFFO-SRING-POL-100 (polarizer), 1x EFFO-SRING-DIF-100 (diffusing film)

- AutoStrobe Version (Standard) -

> Connector

The EFFI-SRING requires a 24V DC input power supply via an M12-8 pin connector. Note that each trigger pin of each dial must be connected either to the 24V DC signal for continuous mode or to a PNP trigger signal for overdrive strob mode.

Characteristics of the 8 pins M12 connector used to power the EFFI-SRING for machine vision and quality control.
Pin number Designation Cable color
1 Selection mode (PNP or NPN) White
2 +24V Brown
3 TRIG n°1 Green
4 TRIG n°2 Yellow
5 TRIG n°3 Grey
6 TRIG n°4 Purple
7 GND Blue
8 N/A Red

> AutoStrobe Operation

Graphic representation of the lighting intensity of the EFFI-Ring as a function of the DIM

danger logoAutoStrobe mode: Respect a duty cycle of less than 15%.

- Additional options -

> Option: Continuous version

Graphic representation of the lighting intensity of the EFFI-Ring as a function of the STROBE

logo infoIf version continues, add -CW. Useful for continuous use, if necessary to remove AutoStrobe at the start of flash.

Part number : EFFI-SRING-100-ZZZZ-WW-CW

- Optical accessories -

- Electronic accessories -

SWITCH 4 channels to power the different Channels of the EFFI-SRING

4 channel switch

- Available upon request -

Custom electronics

For all other inquiries, please contact EFFILUX.

- Vidéo -

- Similar products -

EFFI-RING adjustable beam power ring.

- Convertible products -

EFFI-SDOME Small compact and flexible dome.