FAQ Frequently asked questions

Where can I find information about my product?

The sticker on the product indicates the name, the part number, the power consumption and the serial number of the product. Be sure to check the content before using the product and handle the sticker with care.

The date of manufacturing is included in the serial number of the product : XXXXXXYYMM-ZZZ with YY corresponding to the year and MM to the month. If the sticker is missing or damaged and the content cannot be checked, please contact Effilux.

Technical information and conditions of use are detailed in the technical documentation of the product. All technical documents (instructions, datasheet, plans, step, etc.) can be downloaded from the web page: technical doc.

How do I get the test report for my product?

Send a request to adv@effilux.fr indicating the serial number of the product for which you wish to receive the test report.

What does the IP code of my product mean?

The protection mark (IP) is an international standard of the International Electrotechnical Commission for water resistance. This code classifies the level of protection offered by a material against solid and liquid intrusions. The code format given by IEC 60529 is IPXX where XX are two digits.

2: Protection against the intrusion of solid bodies larger than 12mm. X: No protection specified.
5: Protection against dust and other microscopic residues. X: No protection specified.
5: Protection against dust and other microscopic residues. 4: Protection against water spray from all directions.
6: Total dust protection. 5: Protection against splashing water from all directions.
6: Total dust protection. 7: Protection against the effects of temporary immersion (up to 1m) and for 30 minutes.
6: total dust protection 8: Protection against the effects of prolonged immersion (beyond 1m) and for 1 hour.
6: Total dust protection. 9K: Protection against high-pressure, high-temperature jet sprays, washdowns or steam-cleaning procedure. (Standard provided for food industry)

Please refer to the user guide for the exact IP rating of the product.

On request, EFFILUX can design waterproof lights.